We are pleased to kick-off the 4th RFIW data challenge workshop in conjunction with 2020 IEEE AMFG conference.

New this year:

  1. Support 3 tasks (2 new)– upon successful Kaggle competition, where many obtained impressive verification results, we see it as time for newer, more practical challenges (i.e. large-scale tri-subject verification and search & retrieval for relatives of missing children).
  2. Call for novel work in automatic kinship recognition (i.e. general paper track).
  3. Brave New Ideas: new ways of viewing problem and its formulation. Special attention for inter-disciplinary work and innovative use-cases.
  4. Major release of FIW (v1.1.0)

Submissions will be peer-reviewed for the proceedings of 4th RFIW workshop at 2020 AMFG– papers will be accepted as orals and posters 

Competition website: https://web.northeastern.edu/smilelab/rfiw2020/

Competition start-ending dates: October 18, 2019


Main organizer:

  • Joseph Robinson robinson.jo@husky.neu.edu. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA