Please read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly to avoid problems with the inclusion of your paper in the conference proceedings. The deadline for final submission (completion of all steps below) is March, 5th 2020 at 11:59pm Pacific Daylight Time. This deadline is firm and will not be extended. Papers that arrive after the deadline may not appear in the conference proceedings and may not be placed in IEEE Xplore.

Camera-ready instructions:

  1. Prepare your camera-ready paper using the camera-ready FG 2020 templates: Latex template or Word template.
  2. Validate your camera-ready paper using IEEE PDF eXpress.
  3. Submit the validated PDF, complete forms and copyright via the IEEE Author submission Site:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=35wvcvN4NmA9AEWXrkNW5n

Details on the three steps are given below.


Please prepare your final version using the IEEE provided camera-ready paper templates:

[IMPORTANT NOTE 1] Note that the paper templates are different from the templates used for the review procedure. Make sure you use the correct templates when preparing your camera-ready paper.

[IMPORTANT NOTE 2] No Page Numbers. Pages MUST NOT be numbered. The title and the author list of an accepted paper CANNOT be changed in the final manuscript.

[IMPORTANT NOTE 3] Page Limit. For all the accepted papers in the final submission, their categories (short or long) must remain unchanged, which means short cannot be changed to long, and long cannot be changed to short either. The templates can be used for both short paper and long paper. For Short Paper category, papers may be up to 4 pages plus 1-page references, and for Long Paper category, papers may be up to 8 pages. Papers (Long Paper category) longer than 7 pages will be subject to a page fee (100 USD) for the extra page (note that the extra page fee will be charged during the registration phase). Papers that are longer than 8 pages will not be processed and will not appear in the conference proceedings or on IEEE Xplore.

[IMPORTANT NOTE 4] File Size. There is a strict size limit of 20 MB for PDF files for both short and long paper categories in the conference proceedings. If your paper is larger than this, you are probably using very large images in your figures. As a rule, your images will look fine at 600 pixels per inch and you should down-sample the images used in your figures accordingly. Smaller PDF files are also validated more quickly by PDF eXpress.


IEEE requires that all papers included in the IEEE Xplore digital library meet the IEEE style guidelines.
Papers that do not meet these guidelines will not be placed in Xplore. This is IEEE policy.

  1. Login to the PDF eXpress website:
  2. If you are new to PDF eXpress, create a new user account
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Conference ID: 47880X
    • Your E-mail address
    • Your Password
    • Continue to enter information as prompted
  4. Click on the “Create New Title” option
    • Enter title of your paper
    • Submit the PDF file you wish to validate or submit the source files you wish to convert.

[IMPORTANT NOTE 1] The majority of the failed validations are due to font embedding issues. If your validation fails, make sure that embeddable fonts are used exclusively, including the captions and text of figures and tables. If you Google “pdf express problem” you will find lots of advice on how to fix validation problems.
[IMPORTANT NOTE 2] You cannot skip the validation step. IEEE will revalidate every paper we submit for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and will not fix or ingest files that fail validation. If it’s not ingested, it will not be included on IEEE Xplore. If you have difficulties validating your paper, PDF eXpress also provides the option to create a compliant PDF file for you if you upload your source files to the service. Look at the instructions on the left in PDF eXpress for details on conversions.
[IMPORTANT NOTE 3] PDF eXpress does not collect papers. After validating your paper, you must still upload it to the camera-ready paper collection website – see instructions for Step 3 below.


Deadline:  March, 5th 2020.

The deadline for all FG 2020 papers is March, 5th 2020 at 11:59pm
Pacific Daylight Time. This deadline is firm and will not be extended. Papers that arrive after the deadline may not appear in the conference proceedings and may not be placed in IEEE Xplore.

  1. Login to the Author Submission Site:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=35wvcvN4NmA9AEWXrkNW5n
  2. This site is different from the CMT instance used for the reviewing phase. You should, therefore, first create an account using your Email address.
  3. After login, you will see the first screen “Preparation and Submission Information” which shows details about the Paper Specifications, Important Deadlines, etc. Press the “Next” link in the top-right corner to take you to the “Copyright Release” page.
  4. In the “Copyright Release” page, fill the required information (Author Name, Author E-mail, Paper Title). Click “Submit Copyright” and you will initiate the copyright form submission process. There are 5 steps to complete the form submission and please carefully read through the instructions in each step. In “Step 1: Confirm article information” you can edit the information on your paper (please provide the full author list, as shown in your final paper). By making appropriate choices in Step 2 and Step 3, in “Step 4: Complete the publication agreement” you will need to confirm the content of the Copyright Form and sign your name at the bottom of the form.
  5. Back to the Author Submission Site. Press the “Next” link in the top-right corner to take you to the “Paper Details” page. In this page, you need to fill in your Paper ID (please use the submission ID used during the review phase), Submitter Full Name, Submitter E-mail, Paper Title, Abstract, and Keywords.
  6. Press the “Next” link in the top-right corner to take you to the “Add Authors” page. Following the instructions and using “+” button in the left to add new authors, you can fill in all authors from your author list. Make sure that all the authors included in the camera-ready paper also appear in their proper order in this page. Please check that all author names are spelled correctly and in the correct order.
  7. Press the “Next” link in the top-right corner to take you to the “Final Paper PDF File Submission” page. Please upload the camera-ready PDF file (must be the latest IEEE PDF eXpress verified version) in this page. Since the supplementary materials were only used for the reviewing purpose and will not be part of the conference proceedings, you don’t need to upload the supplementary files. By clicking the “Submit” link in the top-right corner, you will complete the camera-ready submission procedure.

[IMPORTANT NOTE] Please be aware that once you submit your IEEE Electronic Copyright form, you will not be able to go back and make changes. IEEE does not have any mechanism to redo an electronic copyright form and you will not be able to complete more than one form per paper. As such, please be sure that the title, author list, etc. are correct and final on the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form prior to completing and submitting the copyright form. Papers without completed copyright forms will not appear on the conference proceedings disk and will not be enrolled in IEEE Xplore.